Let Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Assigns the value of an expression to a variable. Syntax LET variable= expression Remarks Notice that the keyword LET is optional. The equal sign in the statement is enough to inform BASIC that the statement is an assignment statement. The LET statement uses the following arguments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Argument Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- variable A variable. expression An expression that provides the value to assign to the variable. LET statements can be used with record variables only when both variables are the same user-defined type. Use the LSET statement to assign record variables of different user-defined types. See Also LSET Examples The first example below shows the use of the optional LET keyword. LET D = 12 LET E = 12 - 2 LET F = 12 - 4 LET SUM = D + E + F PRINT D E F SUM The following program lines perform the same function, without using the LET keyword. D = 12 E = 12 - 2 F = 12 - 4 SUM = D + E + F PRINT D E F SUM Output 12 10 8 30